Remember when "cut" and "paste"
used to mean using scissors and glue? This tut will help you create a charming
little seed pack that you can cut out and glue together. These seed packs are
perfect for sharing your garden seeds with your friends. You may even
adapt this tut to make sachet bags for tucking inside drawers or adding a ribbon
and hanging in closets.
See four of my printable seed
packs here.
See a sachet envelope here.
My thanks and undying gratitude to Jane
for her help in creating this tutorial. Many of the supplies you need for this
tut can be found at her site.
Supplies needed:
PSP6 or PSP7
Seed Pack Selection
(Get it here. unzip to your Selections folder)
Pack Selection
Background fills, tubes
(Find fills here (Jane's tiles-click on the
"Wallpaper fills" link) and here
(wompietiles). Tubes
here (Jane's tubes coordinate with her background fills)
and here (Jazzl's).)
For the purposes of this tutorial, we'll use this fill and tubes. (Save the
fill to your own hard drive. Download the tube files, unzip the tubes and export
as picture tubes.)
Country Style Flowers inspired by Enigmatic.
Background fill inspired by Julie.

Here's a gift from Lana, one of my Graphic Buds. She
made this for me after I mailed her some seeds from my garden in a seed pack.
Isn't it adorable?

Ok, got all your supplies unzipped and
installed? Let's make a seed pack!
Follow wompie!