Open a new image, 500x500, transparent background. Select your preset shapes tool. Make sure your foreground (and background in PSP7) is set to white.

 Use these settings in PSP6:

Use these settings in PSP7:

Draw a nice big ellipse. Hold the "Ctrl" key down and drag the corner in at the top to narrow the egg a little and use the handles at the bottom to widen the bottom of your egg a little.
In PSP6, once you get your egg shaped the way you want it, go to your layers palette, select the vector layer, right-click and choose "convert to raster."
In PSP7, go to "layers", "convert to raster layer."

Your image should look something like this:
(image size reduced for faster loading)

Now, use your magic wand tool to select the egg. Flood fill with your crystallized tile. While still selected, add a new raster layer. Apply a cutout effect using these settings:

While still selected, add a new raster layer. Apply another cutout effect but change the vertical and horizontal to -9 and -10.
Your egg should now look something like this:
(image reduced for faster loading)

Now, lets put our panorama scene inside and decorate!

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