Page 2

Open a new image, 534 x 442, transparent background.
*Add a new raster layer.*

Load your jewelry box top selection from disk. "Selections"..."Load from disk"
Flood fill your selection with a color of your choice. I used #B4B18E. De-select. ("Ctrl"..."D") Use your magic wand tool to select the outer flaps of the box. Hold the "Shift" key down to make multiple selections.
*Add a new raster layer.*

Flood fill the selections with a color or fill of your choice. Your image should now look like this: (size reduced for faster loading)

Go back to Layer 2. (the layer your selection is in) Use your magic wand to select the top of your box top.
*Add a new raster layer.*

Open the image you saved from the first page. Rotate the image using these settings:

Sharpen once.

 Copy this image to clipboard. ("Ctrl"..."C") Make sure your jewelry box top image is active and paste into selection. ("Edit"..."Paste"..."Paste into Selection") Your image should now look like this: (image size reduced for faster loading)

Now, let's trim our box with some heart buttons.

Follow wompie!
wompietutshome.jpg (19111 bytes) wompietutsnext.jpg (17415 bytes)